Quality and Environmental ISO Support and Triple Certification

ISO (International Standards Organisation) Accreditation Preparation Services

Client Workplace Specific Official Seal of Approval for Compliance Purposes

OHS Safety Management Systems
International Standards Organisation ISO is the Global Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
Development of ISO 45001Integrated Management Systems
Quality Management Systems
International Standards Organisation ISO is the Global Standard for Quality Management Systems
Development of ISO 45001Integrated Management Systems
Environmental Management Systems
International Standards Organisation ISO is the Global Standard for Environmental Management Systems
Development of ISO 45001Integrated Management Systems

Benefits Triple ISO Certification

ISO Certification is your “seal of approval” from a third party body, that your company runs to one of theinternational standards developed and published by the International Organisations for Standardisation (ISO)



An Integrated Management System is one that combines the Global Standards for:

  • Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • Quality Management Systems.
  • and Environmental Management Systems


  • Is it worth the investment for YOUR business?
  • The goal or OPPORTUNITY is that your investment in becoming triple certified will change the way you work.
  • With one set of documentation and one system you are managing, as opposed to two or three sets of rules and processes.
  • This also means you are training your workers only on using the one system.


Holding a triple ISO certification:

  • ISO 45001 – Occupational Health Safety Management Systems
  • ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems.
  • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems.

Provides you with the requirements for an effective Integrated Management System (IMS)

  • This Integrated Management System will show your organisations’ commitment to:
  • Increased performance.
  • Worker and customer satisfaction.
  • Continuous improvement.  


Triple certification will benefit your company with the help of structured guides and framework, that will enrich your organisation’s Integrated Management performance and:

  • Remove the double up of processes when multiple management standards are implemented.
  • Improve Hazard identification and Risk assessment processes.
  • Help to identify risks and opportunities.
  • Reduce downtime, overall costs of incidents at the workplace and the price of insurance premium costs.
  • Enhance the involvement of leadership and participation from workers.
  • Boost management involvement, accountability, and productivity.
  • One set of documentation, this will optimise processes and resources throughout the organisation.
  • Integrated system audits.
  • Boost stakeholder confidence by making your company stand out as an industry leader when responding to tenders.
Implementation Process

Implementation Process

Stage 1-Meeting & Assessment

  • A meeting and an initial assessment (Gap Analysis) of your management system to determine if the mandatory requirements of the standard are being met.

Stage 2-Improvement Report & Action Plan

  • We will provide you with a detailed report that identifies the areas for improvement.
  • We work together on an action plan for implementation with you.
  • Raise items as corrective actions to be addressed.

Stage 3-Recommendation for Certification

  • At this point of the process we will review the corrective actions taken to address findings in Stage 1 and 2.
  • Certification may be recommended.

Stage 4-Certification Review & Decision

  • Your company documents are reviewed by an independent & impartial auditor and panel with a certification decision being made.

Stage 5-Certification Achieved

  • Successful certification is communicated to the client.
  • A report and certification certificate will be issued.

Schedule Your Safety Management Consultation & Compliance Assessment

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